Dual Enrollment

The Dual Enrollment Program empowers students to either get an early start toward attaining their higher education objectives or to enter the workforce sooner with a marketable technical skill or trade.

Dual Enrollment Admission Requirements

Eligible high school students may enroll in college classes concurrently with high school classes, either on the College campus or at the high school, and receive both high school and college credit. There must be a formal written agreement between the student’s local school board and Bevill State Community College on file before approval for Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment admission is granted. To be eligible the student must meet the following requirements:

  1. The student must be in grade 10, 11, or 12 or have an exception granted by the participating postsecondary institution upon the recommendation of the student’s principal and superintendent and in accordance with Alabama Administrative Code 290-8-9.17 regarding gifted and talented students.

  2. The student must have a 2.5 average, as defined by local board of education policy, in completed high school courses.

  3. The student must have written approval of the appropriate principal, counselor, and the local superintendent of education. Student access to Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment is dependent upon both academic readiness and social maturity. Approval from the appropriate counselor, principal and superintendent indicates that the student has demonstrated both. Unless the student can demonstrate the ability to benefit from college level instruction, special education students are not eligible for enrollment under this policy.

  4. The student must meet admission requirements established by the College.

  5. Students who are enrolled in grades 10, 11, or 12 may be deemed eligible to participate in Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment in occupational/technical courses pending demonstrated ability to benefit as documented by successful completion of placement test or other assessments approved by the Department of Alabama Community College System

  6. The student must take placement test and place in eligible courses.

Accelerated Enrollment Admission Requirements

Eligible high school students may enroll in college classes concurrently with high school classes and receive college credit. Bevill State Community College admissions, course placement, and course sequencing are applicable in addition to eligibility requirements listed below. A student is eligible for early admission upon meeting the following criteria:

  1. The student has successfully completed the 10th grade;

  2. The student provides a certification from the local principal and/or designee certifying that the student has a minimum cumulative 3.0 average and recommending the student be admitted under this policy.

  3. The student may enroll only in postsecondary courses for which high school prerequisites have been completed (e.g., a student may not take English Composition until all required high school English courses have been completed). The student must take placement test and place in eligible courses.

  4. The student must meet admission requirements established by the College

  5. The State Plan for Exceptional Children and Youth allows gifted students to enroll for college courses. Certification of the student's eligibility for enrollment and a completed Recommendation Form must be provided to Bevill State Community College and must be approved by the Chancellor of Alabama Community College System and the College President prior to the student's desired enrollment

For more information, visit: Bevill State Community College Dual Enrollment Information