Parent Participation

Parents participating in the Parent Teacher Leadership Academy will:

  • Learn about key factors in supporting student academic achievement.

  • Develop skills and techniques to use when working with parents, teachers, principals, and other school personnel.

  • Explore innovative ways of building and sustaining strong family/school partnerships.

What is the Parent Teacher Leadership Academy?

The Parent Teacher Leadership Academy (PTLA) is a leadership program that provides selected parents and teachers with opportunities to develop their knowledge and abilities as leaders within their school communities. Both parents and teachers are selected for participation by their school’s principal.

The Parent Leadership Academy includes:

  • Elementary Parent Leadership Academy (EPLA)

  • Hispanic Parent Leadership Academy (HPLA)

  • Pre-K Parent Leadership Academy (PKPLA)

  • Middle School Parent Leadership Academy

Teacher Participation

Teachers participating in the Parent Teacher Leadership Academy will:

  • Apply tools to assess their schools’ current types and levels of parent/family engagement.

  • Design a school-wide research-based strategy for engaging parents/families as partners in school which are directly linked to student achievement.

  • Develop a cadre of teacher leaders to increase parent/family and school engagement.

Community Webinars

All webinars are free for community members in the West Alabama area and will be held from 6–7 PM.