Student Health Medication

There are times when your child may need to take medication at school. Whenever possible, it is recommended that medication be administered before and/or after school hours under the direct supervision of the child’s parent or legal guardian.

However, if medication must be administered during school hours, the following guidelines will be followed. Medication must have proper authorization before being allowed at school. All medications are kept locked in a central location at each school. Students are not allowed to keep over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, aspirin, cough drops, etc. on their person. With proper authorization, emergency medications such as inhalers, Epipens, and glucagons may be kept by the student.

Prescription Medications

  1. An authorization form must be completed and signed by the physician (prescriber) and parent/guardian for all prescription medications that are to be administered at school.

  2. All medication must be delivered to school by a parent/guardian. Medications cannot be sent to school with a student.

  3. Medications must be in the original container, with a readable label that states name, dose, and frequency.

  4. Medications will be locked in a central location and dispensed by trained school personnel or the school nurse.

  5. Medications cannot be sent home with a student. Therefore, only the amount of medication needed during school hours should be brought to school.

  6. Any medication that is not picked up on the last day of school will be destroyed.

Nonprescription Medications

  • Before nonprescription medications can be administered to a student, an authorization form must be completed, signed, and be placed on file by the parent/guardian.

  • Medications must be in the original container with the student’s name on the bottle. A physician’s authorization is not required for nonprescription medications. Students will only be given doses dependent upon manufacturers’ recommendations.